# How to setup Ecomstack

Create a snippet called "ecomstack.liquid" and paste the following code:


<!-- Ecomstack script start -->
var d = window.location.hostname.replace ("www.","");  //replace this with your own domain, if you need the script to run anywhere 
var fl = function (u) {
var l = document.createElement('script'); l.type = 'text/javascript'; l.async = true; l.src = u;
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
s.parentNode.insertBefore(l, s);
fl ("https://files2.vtcdn.net/" + d + "/loader.min.js");
window._vteq = window._vteq || [];
setTimeout(function(){if (!window._vtsdk) {fl ('https://storage.googleapis.com/cdn.vtcdn.net/' + d + '/loader.js');}}, 1100);

{% if request.path contains 'products/' %}
window._vteq = window._vteq || [];
"viewitem": {
itemId: "{{ product.selected_or_first_available_variant.id }}"
{% endif %}

{% if request.path contains 'collections/' %}
window._vteq = window._vteq || [];
"viewcategory": {
category: "{{ collection.id }}"
{% endif %}

{% if search.terms %}
window._vteq = window._vteq || [];
"search": {
query: "{{ search.terms }}"
{% endif %}

{% if request.path contains 'checkout' %}
window._vteq = window._vteq || [];
checkout: {
step: "one-step-checkout",
items: [{% for item in cart.items %}"{{ item.variant.id }}"{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}]
{% endif %}

{% if request.path contains "checkout/thanks/" %}
    var items = [
  		{% for line_item in order.line_items %}
            id: {{ line_item.variant.id }},
            quantity: {{ line_item.quantity }}
        }{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}
  		{% endfor %}

    window._vteq = window._vteq || [];
        confirmation: {
            items: items,
            email: "{{ order.email }}",
            orderId: {{ order.id }},
            total: {{ order.total_price | divided_by: 100 | round }}
{% endif %}
<!-- Ecomstack script end -->

Save it and include it in your theme file just before the closing of your tag.