# Setup a Webshipper shipping method (V1)

To get started with integrating your shop with Webshipper (V1), first you must activate the app (Webshipper Setup)

As always, the apps are found on the admin panel: /admin/apps

Now add your Webshipper credentials

API token

Create an API token in your Webshipper portal

https://portal.webshipr.com/da/developer (opens new window)

Shop ID

Go you "Webshipper > Settings -> Order Systems" and click on the ordersystem that you wish to use. Now you will be able to get your Shop ID from the URL.

(example "1234" in the screenshot below.)


The prefix you want for your order numbers. If your shops is having multiple country shops your order number might look like "DK100123" often you when this to be the same as your shop order prefix.

Next we want to add a web hook which allows webshipr pings your shop, to notify when an order has been fulfilled so that your shop can capture the order.

https://portal.webshipr.com/en/developer (opens new window)

Choose fulfillment_created as hook and "https://yourdomain.com/api/apps/webshipr/fulfillment" as the URL. Replace yourdomain.com with your own domain.

Now your shop and Webshipper is setup successfully. Now it's time to setup a shipping method.

When setting up a Webshipper shipping method choose Webshipr as provider and enter you Webshipper rate ID.

Webshipper Rate ID

Go to your Webshipper order system and click on the shipping rate you want to use and the Rate ID will be available in the URL.

You can add as many Webshipper shipping methods as you want. You can even use the same Rate ID multiple times if you want your customer to choose "Standard" or "Express" delivery etc.

Setup Webhooks for automatic captures and fulfillments

Go to the developer page in Webshipper:

https://portal.webshipr.com/en/developer (opens new window)

Next to the "Web Hooks" title, you can click the plus button and add a webhook for each of your shops. Please see the following example image for reference.

You should choose the event:


Point the webhook to:

https://yourdomain.com/api/apps/webshipr/fulfillment (opens new window)

That's it - now Webshipper will notify your shop every time an order is fulfilled, and will automatically capture and fulfill the order.